Discounts on Technology Purchases

Cedar Crest College, through our LVAIC affiliation, participates with Dell, Lenovo, and Mac Computers in a Campus Agreement for purchasing personal computers for home use. This offer is available to Faculty, Staff, Students, Parents, and Alumnae. Visit our personalized links below to view current sales and specials.

New Computers and Accessories

Cedar Crest College students and employees are entitled to special pricing on Dell personal computing products available through the Dell University Program. To gain access to the special pricing, you should always enter the Dell Web site from this page. More details are available once you enter the Dell Web site.

Cedar Crest College Dell Member Website

Cedar Crest College Lenovo Website
Lenovo is a division of IBM, and offers discounts on all IBM products, including the ThinkPad notebook.
Apple for Education Website
When accessing Apple's website, you may need to search for Cedar Crest College to begin. Use the zip code 18104, or search using Allentown, PA as your city and state.


Software Discounts

JourneyED Software Website

As members of AICUP, all students and employees of the college have access to deeply discounted software products available through JourneyEd. Software brands include Microsoft, Adobe, and SPSS, among others.

Before purchasing software, please note:

  • Office 365 is available to all students and employees for free. Installations are available once your College email account has been created.
  • There are many free antivirus software applications that work just as well as paid software. Visit our free software downloads page for more information.
  • Most software applications required for coursework is installed in at least one lab location on campus for student use. It is recommended to wait until your class begins before purchasing any software.