Instructional Design Services

eLearning Articles

Discovering new ways to present online material

Technophobe's Guide to Online Courses

The title says it all. But, like we can't tell a book by its cover, don't let the title tell the whole story of this technophobe's views of online courses.

Lectures are Gone in 60 Seconds!

Take a 60-minute lecture. Cut the excess verbiage, do away with most of the details, and pare it down to key concepts and themes. What's left? A "microlecture" over in as few as 60 seconds. A course designer for San Juan College, a community college in Farmington, N.M., says that in online education, such tiny bursts can teach just as well as traditional lectures when paired with assignments and discussions.

Increasing Instructor Presence in an Online Course

Instructors who are new to online teaching often fear that their courses will be impersonal and that connecting with their students will not be possible in an online environment.